Punk Rock Trivia and FAQ in Pictures
Occasionally, people ask me specific logistic, location and factual/trivia questions about punk rock in LA during the Golden Age - 1976-1980. In response to that, I recently added a Punk Rock FAQ in Pictures page. Its not meant to be the ultimate in anything - but is a pictoral offering of frequently asked-for photos of people, places and things from punk's golden age. I have a link in the right-side links column for it, in case you were wondering what it is -- here is a small taste of this ever-growing site. There are photos of:
punk hair cuts (probably the most Google'd of all my subjects)
night clubs
Rodney Bingenheimer
Kim Fowley
backstage photos
punk rock guitar heroes
I add photos to it when I have the time, or when enough people ask about something.
So - keep those cards 'n letters coming! If I have a photo of something from the punk rock past and you wanna see it, I'll put it up!
The Pandoras in Oui Magazine
This one isn't up on the FAQ yet, but the next topic is clippings from all the magazines that have published me.