More Things That Aren't Here Anymore in Los Angeles

England's 999 arrive at Tower Records
Tower Records on the Sunset Strip. Prime location. Gone. The chain went out of business and the lot itself looks attractive to developers who want to rob the Strip of yet another iconic landmark.

Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders signing albums in Tower Records
Tune in to LA's PBS station, KCET on Sunday, June 13 for a repeat of the fabulous series, Things That Aren't Here Anymore and pay attention to the most recent installment, Number 3. Yes, this missive is on my part, somewhat a bit of the shameless self-promotion and partly Proustian... Things That Aren't Here Anymore, 3 focuses on the LA that I knew - the LA of my college and misspent young adult years... of punk rock, record collecting and concert-going (that I still do that is irrelevant!) at some places that aren't here anymore.
Join me and the likes of Rodney Bingenheimer and Cherie Currie of the Runaways for a madeleine!

Rodney with Penelope Houston of the Avengers