Tower Records Sunset Strip

Chrissie Hynde in Tower Records, 1980
If the Pretenders' Chrissie Hynde looks a bit perturbed here, at her 1980 Tower Records in-store, she might be a but more perturbed if she knew what was on the horizon for this musical landmark if a carpet bagging developer gets his way.
No - we punk rockers do not mince words.
I received a reminder email today from pop culture writer, Domenic Priore that warned of the erstwhile Tower Records building being razed for some ridiculous monstrosity of a complex that will surely fuck up that already traffic-jammed bend on Sunset Blvd.
Read it here and TAKE ACTION:
Out of Town Developer Plans to Demolish Tower Records on Sunset Strip
WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Chicago developer Sol Barket plans to raze the world famous "Tower Records store" and build a five-story office and retail space. The new project predominantly relies on massive electronic billboards that change images continually for its main source of revenue. Demolition is slated for January 2011.
Plans also include a David Barton gym to complement West Hollywood's four major gyms and numerous private training facilities. The project features traffic entrances and exits onto Sunset Boulevard, where the strip already experiences gridlock during morning and evening rush hours. Emergency vehicle access has been the main issue with residents and businesses. Presently, the "Tower Records store" is an adaptive re-use for the clothing store, Live On Sunset (
The proposed development has riled preservationists' desire to preserve Tower Records' worldwide cultural, historic and social history that spans over three decades. The store was the epicenter for recording artists' record releases and live performances.

Before Tower Records, the location supported two earlier notable eras. In the 1960's, inventor Earl "Mad Man" Muntz, created his 4-track stereo cartridge music system for cars, which led to 8-track tapes and was "Jack's On The Strip," a diner where stars socialized during the 1940's through the 1950's.

999 in front of Tower Records, Sunset Blvd.
In January 2008, the Los Angeles Times featured a story regarding the preservation efforts led by culture historian Domenic Priore, author of "Riot on the Sunset Strip: Rock 'n' Roll's Last Stand in Hollywood." Local resident Jerome Cleary hopes there is still time to save Tower Records and transform it into a Sunset Strip Museum honoring music talent. "Here we have a world famous record store that became an icon and so easily our community will allow it to disappear entirely," remarks Cleary.
Residents have focused their comments on the issues of gridlock, emergency vehicle assess, economic hardship on surrounding businesses, noise, pollution, loss of natural light for businesses and residents. Comments must be sent no later than April 5 responding only to issues pertaining to the draft-environmental impact report-8801 Sunset Boulevard, which can be viewed at
Comments can be emailed: Adrian Gallo, and John Keho, or mailed to: Planning Dept., Adrian Gallo/John Keho, 8300 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood CA 90069
SOURCE Jerome Cleary
We'll see how much the West Hollywood zoning commission values historical landmarks with their ruling on this.