Miriam Linna's Cool Blog & Cramps Memoirs

Original Cramps drummer and co-founder of Norton Records and The A Bones, rock n roll lady extraordinaire, Miriam Linna just launched a blog with her memories of the earliest days of the Cramps, when she was their drummer.

Miriam played in the line-up that included the late Bryan Gregory on guitar alongside Lux and Ivy.

Bryan Gregory in foreground

What strikes a chord in me, however, are the scans of letters Miriam has saved over the years. A couple years ago, Miriam showed me letters she received from our mutual friend, the late Stiv Bators.

Seeing Stiv's familiar, Catholic school boy penmanship and his particular signature just brought back a flood of memories, and seeing them again on Miriam's blog and being able to read and re-read his words help bring the Dead Boy back to life.
For anyone who knows only the Urban Legend of Stiv Bators, Miriam's blog will open your eyes. For those who knew Stiv, Miriam's blog may bring a bittersweet tear alongside the warm memories.

Stiv's Goth fashion statement
Miriam is the only person I know aside from Frank Secich who could get away with continuing to call Stiv by his given name, "Steve." Not that he liked being called "Steve," but he also wasn't going to throw a tantrum about it with Miriam. Whenever I tried to get control of an often out-of-control situation during the few period of time I was conned into "road managing" Stiv, I'd turn on the motherly tone and call him "Steven," which afforded me probably the very same experience certain Ohio nuns had when he was in their charge at school. Young, loud & snotty....
At the end of the day, Miriam Linna is one of the finest writers ever to pick up a pen or type at the keyboard. Even if you didn't know about rock n roll or care about the nascent punk rock years, her words are fine reading.
Catch up with Miriam Linna's blog at kicksville66.blogspot.com
You'll be glad you did!