Other Momentous Occasions

Miriam Linna, A-Bones drummer extraordinaire
This Friday night March 27...
Southpaw, 125 5th Ave. Brooklyn
For the first time ever, the Fleshtones and the A-Bones will share a stage and where better than in their collective hometown - Brooklyn USA! This wild, wild bash will take place at the world famous Southpaw nightclub-- a guaranteed riot! The A-Bones will premiere a bunch of new songs from our upcoming Norton album THE A-BONES, NOT NOW!

Bruce Bennett & Billy Miller, the last honest men... A-Bones guitar and vocals and assorted antics
It's be four on the floor all night long in this double whammy demolition combination never before attempted! Morten of the Twistaroos is a great pal of both the 'Tones and Bones and the last time they saw him on his home turf, he helped push the A-Bones van through a hellish Oslo snowstorm. Should a blizzard occur on Friday night, the A-Bones are at the beck and call of the Twistaroos for automotive assistance. And longtime A-Bones pal, Jahna will kick off the festivities with her trusted combo, the Demands.

The Demands