Punk + Elks Lodge Doesn't Always ="Riot"

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Darby Crash / The Germs

A full year before the notorious and legendary Elks Lodge Riot, there were indeed completely successful punk rock gigs held at downtown LA's Elk Lodge -- and by successful, I mean no police interruptions.

One such set of gigs include the February 24 and 25 benefits for The Masque at the Elks Lodge.

Many of the artists who performed are featured in today's photos (none of these pix are from the Elks Lodge show, however).

darby: guest or headliner?
F-Word's Rik L Rik and Darby Crash

dils chip jumping BWsmall
The Dils

Black Randy and Stan Lee
Black Randy and Dickies guitarist Stan Lee (both bands performed)

Diane Chai of the Alley Cats
Dianne Chai of the Alley Cats

pat bag 2 web
Patricia Morrison aka Pat Bag, of The Bags

john and exene96
John Doe and Exene of X

The success of 1978's Elks Lodge shows compared to the bloody battle between punk rockers and cops a year later is a hint at why I think that 1979 was a bad year for punk rock, despite everything cool that was happening... getting on the radar definitely had its down side...


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