Jim Shaw Fundraiser -
Please Help the Nicest Guy in Detroit

Jim Shaw (above) and Sandy Kramer Shaw are two of the kindest people I know. No, they're not goodie two shoes types - they're ribald, funny, motorcycle riding, rock n roll good time people. Like all good rockers, they've put up scores of traveling bands in their Hamtramck home and they help their friends without a second thought. Now is the time for us to help them.
Jim was recently diagnosed with cancer, and now is fighting to keep it from spreading. This kind of fight requires stamina and money for treatment. The Shaws have stamina - but who has that kind of money? Jim's brothers (more kind souls under their rock n roll bravado) have put together a benefit in Detroit to be held on February 7. Please read more and help if you can: myspace.com/jimshawfundraiser

Jim, Cookie and Sandy at Barberella