Twas the Week Before Xmas, 2008

King Louie, born on this date
Twas the week before Xmas and my pregnant next door neighbor has scheduled the birth of her son today. It is not at all unusual to induce labor, so please - no discussions about playing god...

Keith Richards turns 65 today!
Rolling Stones former business manager, Allen Klein is 77 today
I am always impressed with the number of birthdays that occur the week before Xmas... for the expectant parents, the newborn is the best gift ever, plus everyone gets to be home to celebrate baby's first Xmas... for the doctors and hospital staff, it means they might be able to spend the day at home with their own families.
Pictured here are three rock n rollers born on this date: the original punk rock Cajun King Louie, he of Royal Pendletons, Persuaders, Exploding Hearts, Loose Diamonds, Black Rose Band, and his own One-Man-Band fame; Keith Richards, who needs no introduction, and Mick Collins, whose time spent in the Gories helped lay the foundation for contemporary garage rock and the rules it plays by, and who is frontman for the Dirtbombs, his most recent project. In 2009, look for a Gories reunion tour with the Oblivians. Memphis, Detroit and Euro dates only. Resuscitate the economy. Travel to see those shows!

Mick Collins
Other bold-face name December 18 birthdays:
Josef Stalin, Paul Klee, Ty Cobb, Betty Grable, Ossie Davis, Ramsey Clark, Jacques Pepin, the late Chas Chandler, Alan Rudolph, Steven Biko, Steven Spielberg, Bill Nelson, Gillian Armstrong, Elliot Easton, Ray Liotta, Brad Pitt, DMX, DJ Lethal and Katie Holmes (Tom Cruise's baby mama)