Bettie Page, Icon for Bad Girls Everywhere
Dies at 85
Another octogenarian cult figure whose accomplishments were more than appreciated and perpetuated by scores of punk rock chicks, Bettie Page died Thursday (December 11) in Los Angeles.
Back in the day, I remember photographing so many of my friends in Bettie Page poses... so many punk rock girls wore Bettie Page bangs and embraced the campy fetish wardrobe and general vibe of That Bettie Page THING - a forward-thinking, liberated, open-minded sex-kitten.
Viva her influence.
Rest in peace, Miss Bettie... my old boss, Elmer Valentine will be thanking you for kick-starting that women's sexual liberation that made it possible for him to have go go girls dancing in cages in his nightclub...
The nice girl from Nashville was a force in the culture and morality wars of the cold war era and set the stage for the sexual revolution of the 60s... her obit in the NYTimes is merely a starting point for learning about her unique, long life.

Without Bettie Page, Pleasant and I would never have come up with some of the fun photos we made over the years... enjoy!
Back in the day, I remember photographing so many of my friends in Bettie Page poses... so many punk rock girls wore Bettie Page bangs and embraced the campy fetish wardrobe and general vibe of That Bettie Page THING - a forward-thinking, liberated, open-minded sex-kitten.

Rest in peace, Miss Bettie... my old boss, Elmer Valentine will be thanking you for kick-starting that women's sexual liberation that made it possible for him to have go go girls dancing in cages in his nightclub...
The nice girl from Nashville was a force in the culture and morality wars of the cold war era and set the stage for the sexual revolution of the 60s... her obit in the NYTimes is merely a starting point for learning about her unique, long life.

Without Bettie Page, Pleasant and I would never have come up with some of the fun photos we made over the years... enjoy!
