On Bastille Day - Vive Les Punks Francaise...Canadiens aussi!

Piero, the French punk rocker from Perpignan
Liberte Egalite et Fraternite! On this date in 1789, there was an uprising of the bourgeoisie in Paris, France's capital city. They stormed the Bastille and freed the scant seven prisoners (the infamous Marquis de Sade had been in the prison population, but was released on July 4, 1789... a mere ten days earlier), as the main purpose was to gather up (or liberate, as in steal) ammunition for battle. It was just the beginning of a 10-year period of social change in France... immortalized in literature and popular culture. I celebrated today by baking baguettes. Punk Turns 30 celebrates by sharing these images of French and French Canadien punk rock musicians.

Ysael Pepin of Chocolat (in the picture, he was playing in Demons Claws and Mind Controls)
and just around the corner from Ysael in the same room, I spied Ben from The Creteens with Demons Claws Piero. Piero had been in the Fatals and joined the Demons Claws on tour as keyboard player in 2006.

Demons Claws frontman, Jeff, who although is from Montreal... I don't think he parles francais... still... he can channel "dirty French rock n roll boy" better than anyone... and what a fantastic front man indeed.

American punk pop princess Belinda Carlisle currently lives in France...

And my dear friend, Stiv Bators died there...
