Fabulous PAUL ZONE Photo Exhibit in LA
Kristian Hoffman DJs

Every once in a while, its just more fitting to share with you emails I get from people than to re-write their message. Following (in italics) is one I received from Kristian Hoffman, and if you are one of the readers in the LA area, I urge you to attend this shindig!
Living legend Paul Zone (The Fast, Man 2 Man, Violent World)
lends his incredible collection of personal photographs of the New York Rock Scene from 1972-1977 - Blondie! Suicide! The Ramones! The New York Dolls! And of course - the Mumps!
So come on down and enjoy the view - I will be your personal DJ , with punk rock nuggets and - of course! - some unapologetically pop psych that Paul and Miki Zone and I all adored at the time - and still do!
PAUL ZONE: The New York Underground Scene
From Glam to Punk 1972-1977
Opening reception Saturday July 12 from 7 to 11 pm
Featuring Guest DJ Kristian Hoffman
Drkrm. :: 2121 San Fernando Road :: Suite 3 :: Los Angeles, CA 90065 323.223.6867 :: www.drkrm.com :: drkrmgallery@gmail.com

Kristian Hoffman, 1977