Its Iggy's Birthday

April 21 - today is Iggy Pop's birthday. He is 61 and he can give any punk rocker half his age a run for their money. Iggy was one of the early inadvertent creators of the music we label as "punk rock," giving the rock n roll genre an extra added shot of chaos and well... raw power
Iggy has influenced so many performers from David Bowie, who helped to bring him back into the spotlight in the late 70s with a pair of records born out of the Berlin experience (The Idiot and Lust of Life) to The Sex Pistols, Stiv Bators and Darby Crash and dozens of others over the decades since the Stooges first unleashed their sound.

Stiv Bators and Darby Crash - interpreting Iggy in their own ways

David Bowie playing keyboards for Iggy's 1977 comeback tour
From now until the end of April (for just 9 days), you can buy prints of Iggy and Darby Crash and Stiv Bators at a special reduced price in our Punk Turns 30 online store. Click here to check out those bargains.
