Richard Gottehrer Does it Again!!
Raveonettes Carry the Torch

Back in my not-so-distant radio days, I was bombarded on a daily basis by new releases, all guaranteed to hearken back to the lo-fi and deliciously dirty sounding records of the 60s... lucky for me, I was involved in a current/retro radio program and received some of the best of the best retro/current records. Also... during that tenure, I had a few occasions to visit the legendary record producer, songwriter and Sire Records co-founder, and founder of The Orchard, the legendary Richard Gottehrer.

Richard has had his hand in some of the most memorable and enduring records ever recorded in any era and in any genre. While my favorite records of his are by artists who were on the leading edge of NYC punk rock - Blondie and Richard Hell & the Voidoids, the Gottehrer Midas touch has also produced LA pop punk superstars, The Go Gos.

Belinda Carlisle in pre-Go Go's days with pal Pleasant Gehman
Before punk rock, Gottehrer produced records that now prove their mettle by standing to the truest test of all: TIME... his name as producer, arranger, composer or some combination of the three can be found on tracks like Hang On Sloopy (the official rock n roll song of the state of Ohio, don't you know?) by the McCoys, My Boyfriend's Back by the Angels, one of my fave girl groups, I Want Candy by the Strangeloves (a song revisited by Bow Wow Wow in the 8os), and Sorrow (my fave version is Bowie's cover of it on Pin Ups).
So... when Richard Gottehrer's name showed up on a record by the Danish duo, The Raveonettes, I was interested in it. There was a certain Chris Stein / Debbie Harry parallel between the band's primary members, Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo... the creative, guitar-genius presence of the dark haired Wagner, and the beautiful, exotic, glamorous Nico-like presence of the blonde singer, Sharin Foo.

Raveonettes.... photo courtesy of Vice Records
I've seen the Raveonettes quite a few times over the past four years and while their electronically enhanced live thing might normally rub my analog punk rock roots the wrong way... their song craft and creativity negated the potential thumbs down. The Raveonettes embrace the best of Europe and America, a love of lo-fi records and an elan for au courant record producing methods, a personal warmth that defies their uber-cool stage demeanor... I just love them.
The Raveonettes have a new record out on the 19th called Lust Lust Lust which I have the great pleasure to have already heard. If a record can sound lush and dirty at the same time, Lust Lust Lust is that record. Its another pop gem from the helm of Richard Gottehrer and his ace taste in artists to work with.
The Raveonettes do pull it off live as well. Their tour kicks off on Leap Day, February 29.
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