Remembering Randy Kaye on His Birthday

Randy Kaye, my dear friend, would have been 50 today. Together with Pleasant, Randy was a founder of our youthful venture into the world of media...Lobotomy, The Brainless Magazine.

The myriad and memorable road trips we made were based on our avid interest in Blondie, Mumps, The Cramps and other bands from New York, as well as our friends in Los Angeles who just happened to form bands that you've heard of... Joan Jett, The Go Gos, The Germs to name a few.

Randy is the person on the far left of the frame, you can see the end of his nose - he's next to the body who is next to be-spectacled Brad Dunning... Joan Jett is on Billy Idol's right and Pleasant is on his left. Lorna Doom is in the frame, on the right, Darby is at her side, blocking most of her face from your view
This photo reflects just a small slice of our life in punk rock's heyday.
Randy's life is so much more than the fun times that we had in our teens and twenties.. Randy went on to the world of record label A&R, where he made it possible for many punk and non-mainstream bands to make records... and for you to hear them.
Please take a moment to remember Randy and visit his myspace page, which you can do by clicking the title of this post. The page features the full text of my personal obituary to dear Randy when I learned of his passing in 2006. I'm still incredibly shocked by his passing, and there isn't a day goes by that one of our friends from back in the day isn't also.