21st Century Punk Rock Is Alive in Brooklyn

Animal and Josh Styles, The Stalkers
Last Saturday at Pass Out Record Shop in Brooklyn, my Punk Rock Dead of Winter exhibit opened and I have to say, I was moved by the response from the people who came to the show... totally awed by the bands... so much so that I am spending another Saturday afternoon at Pass Out later today (January 26) and refreshing the stock of pictures that have been flying off the walls.
The punk rock Memento Mori are framed 4x6 prints for just $10... so if you're in the general NY area... come on down and take advantage. For those outside NYC, there will soon be an option for this on the punkrockgiftshop.com
In the photo above are singer Animal and drummer Josh Styles of The Stalkers who were a last minute but quite welcomed addition to the bill.
ICU played afterwards (photos posted soon), followed by a young duo that blew me away --- The Judith Light.

No soap opera divas they... isn't The Judith Light the best name for a band???? Anyway - I highly recommend you show up at whatever place they are playing as their brand of noise is a unique amalgam of all the noisy things we hold dear.

Saturday afternoon at Pass Out, punk rock music will be played by:
GSD, TEAM SPIDER, MERCEY KILLERS, and THE PIGS! Start time is 4 pm ish and I'll be there putting up new pictures just as fast as they are bought. Come on down to Williamsburg Brooklyn, where punk rock is alive in the 21st Century!