Holy Cow Batman - MUMPS have a myspace!!

Back in the good old punk rock days, we relied on photocopied flyers, posters on trees and word-of-mouth... you know... in the 70s, when kitchen appliances were in a weird shade of green called avocado, but really looked like a day-old avocado exposed to the elements... all brown and weird... yeah - that decade that gave us so much to think about that we were creative beyond anyone's wildest dreams... the decade that gave us MUMPS.

Now its the 21st Century that we have been warned about our whole lives... and we have digital tools to help us keep connected... cel phones, computers, PDAs and all sorts of things that can be empowering and shackling at the very same time. Kristian Hoffman writes that he is a making an album digitally with Earle Mankey and I still am trying to wrap my analog head around that... these two analog geniuses making music with 0's and 1's.

The 21st Century era of Digital Domination gives us Mumps on myspace so I suppose all is not lost. Myspace has kinda sorta taken the place of websites for many bands who lack the skills or money to get a domain name and a web genius to get it together for them... on the other hand... its a Rupert Murdoch organization, so its pretty corporate and so not what we punk types normally embrace, but I guess "necessary evil" is a pretty good term... ANYWAY... I have digressed.

Mumps myspace page has loads of photos and the music player has the 4 songs myspace lets you have... I'm sure that the songs will be updated and that more photos will be added as time goes by. I was thrilled to see after all these years, pristine copies of their cool flyers, from the fan club ones to show flyers.

So, when you're trolling myspace, and I know you do... visit myspace.com/mumpsmusic and take a look and become their friend.