Busy Punk Rock Weekend!

Arthur Rimbaud was a punk. The French imagist poet led an outrageous life, and in his earliest years, generated some of the most revolutionary poetry in terms of his use of imagery and language and his professed methodology for attaining poetical transcendence or visionary power through a long, intimidating, immense and rational derangement of all the senses (Les lettres du Voyant) that no iters, actors and artists for the FIRST EVER marathon reading of the legendary scroll from which the published version was crafted.
Surprise guest readers!
And one of the readers... I will tell you is the one and only Iris Berry, punk rock "It Girl" and as the critics like to call her a punk rock James Ellroy in fishnets..
I can draw a direct literary line from Rimbaud to Kerouac, Dylan, Patti and Iris Berry. Check it out and see if you agree
If you aren't in LA and can't make this part of your punk rock weekend, New Yorkers will get a chance to see Tommy Ramone in his current project, Uncle Monk, punk rock bluegrass!

I quote from Tommy's email list shout-out:
We just did a show with the legendary Earl Scruggs at the BB King Blues Club. We cannot put into words the feelings that we experienced having the honor of meeting him. We also got to meet his sons Randy and Gary, what a wonderful night!
This Sunday Uncle Monk are playing the Brooklyn County Fair
October 21, 2007
At Galapagos
70 N 6th Street, (between Kent and Wythe)
Brooklyn (Williamsburg), NY 11211
Cost: Free!
Here is the lineup --
1:00 PM Rench
2:00 PM JD & the WWJDs
3:00 PM Uncle Monk
4:00 PM Sean Kershaw and The New Jack Ramblers
5:00 PM Andy Friedman and Other Failures
6:00 PM The Difibulators
And next weekend, they hit New England
Friday October 26th
Club Helsinki
284 Main Street
Great Barrington MA, 01230
9:00 PM, $12
Uncle Monk on myspace
and me - yours truly is beginning her own On the Road journey.... I leave my dungeon/garden office (I say dungeon because we had to rip out the carpet and I see the ugly linoleum floor; its quite cold!) and head east for the beginning of my Unguarded Moments: Backstage and Beyond tour. Make a note of the tour site: unguardedmoments.info and check in to see where its going and new tour dates and I'll try to keep a tour diary of interesting events along the road.
A big shout out to Susan who is a fantastic design guru who does these t-shirts and designed this fantastic tour identity:

design by faggotybackpack design
The first stop on the tour is at the Motel Art Show called One Night Stand at the Ole Miss Motel on October 25 in Oxford, Mississippi. I'm one of the 10 artists showing. Click that link and check it out. A very cool event and one I'm thrilled to be a part of.
If you are nearby, please come on down!