Punk Rocks the Getty Museum

Lux Interior of The Cramps, live at the Whisky A Go Go.
Target Video's The Cramps Live At Napa Stage Hospital is one of the very best live music DVD products available anywhere.... I don't know if it will be part of this upcoming shindig..... but.....
It is several months away - but save the date and mark your calendars! The Getty Museum in Los Angeles, CA is installing an exhibit called "California Video" which will feature the work of well-known video makers from California, including Target.
Target's going to be showing it's classic footage at the show which opens March 15 and runs through June 8, 2008.
Target's principals kinda laugh when I call it the Factory (as in Andy Warhol's) of San Francisco punk rock - but in my estimation, the Target team of Joe Rees, Jackie Sharp and Jill Hoffman were on the leading edge with their punk rock artist collective.