Live Fast Die in the Spirit of 77

Live Fast Die's Camero Werewolf
Live Fast Die are right at this very moment partying it up in Brooklyn - rocking out at Magnetic Field at the Norton Records BBQ and rock show. Then the power punk trio is off to Europe, where the spirit of 77 has never died and provides a happy touring ground for so many of the deserving American punk rock bands that prosper there but not so much at home.
The A Bones (that's Bruce Bennett and Billy Miller pictured above) are always a good party - making summer a little hotter and more sweaty with the rock n roll that is loud and out of control. They're another long-lived ensemble who get lots of love in Europe - perhaps more than on this massive continent... probably why its impossible to catch them anywhere but NYC and Europe! Which reminds me that tonight, the countdown to European touring also begins for Jack Oblivian, who is at this moment rocking the Hi Tone in Memphis (he has another Memphis gig next week ). Then we Americans won't see him for many weeks, unless we are in Europe.
But for my Europe-based readers, and those traveling there in the coming couple of months, why don't you read up on who's touring at Kiss n Run's website - the booking agency that brings to Europe the best of American garage/punk music, such as Live Fast Die and the upcoming Jack Oblivian / Harlan T Bobo tour... and the agency that takes such good care of this little niche we all love so much! Kudos and lots of love to you, Robert!
Kiss N Run's Robby G.