How to Make a Bad Situation Worse

That's Mishka Shubaly whom I refer to as the real hardcore troubadour. I met Mishka a few years ago in Atlanta as he was driving across the country, sleeping in his van and playing gigs. When I met him, he was opening for the Dirtbombs and The Forty Fives. We both were staying over at our mutual friend Morgan's house and a punk rock alliance was born. In 2005, Mishka rescued me from a Great Lakes winter that was lasting into Spring (seriously - there was snow in April), and drove 150 miles out of his way to pick me up in Cleveland and we shared the long boring drive to New York City. Mishka is the man who coined my favorite driving phrase: "PA, its in the way." Pennsylvania is the state that never ends... Wendy's is the best bang for the fast food travel dollar and Mr. Shubaly is an ace at car rental rigamarole.
He's got a record release show on Wednesday in NYC - and I give you his clever missive because its just too good NOT to. New Yorkers, BE THERE.
(Good God, we're putting the 'man dance' in 'mandatory attendance' for this one...)
Please come out and help me celebrate the release of the album I've been working on for, oh, about the last FOUR YEARS by Terrasoul Music. I'll be joined by the inimitable Nervous Cabaret and Creaky Boards, as well as DJs T&A (Tan and Aaron) and a little band named Beat the Devil that I may have already told you about... I'll be playing a bunch of stuff off the record as well as some new songs about dying in Greenpoint and not growing up to be Jacques Cousteau or a snake handler or a knife thrower as I had once hoped. I roll out the next day for another car-razy tour across the country (during which I will exceed 100,000 miles I have put on my smelly little van, yahoo!!!) and won't be back till Rocktober 13th, so please please please, come out, buy ten records and say goodbye to the bad guy for a month and a half.
My tour dates are up on and if you can't make it out, you can buy the record here: and it should be available in stores October 1st.
And here it is in telegraph format:
Wednesday, August 29th
98-104 Meserole Avenue (and Manhattan)
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Nervous Cabaret 11:00
Beat the Devil 10:00
Mishka Shubaly 9:00
Creaky Boards 8:00
DJs T&A all nite long
What else have you got going on anyway??? In case you have been living in a cave or under a rock - Brooklyn, specifically Williamsburg and Greenpoint are the new CBGB. Read it, know it, do it.