A New Band of Veterans - Deadbeat Poets

Frank Secich during the recording sessions for Stiv Bators' Disconnected album...
Today, I read a great interview from a Swedish zine (go here: www.torpedopop.com and click on "Articles") with my pal Frank. For those of you who aren't from Ohio, or who don't follow the back stories of some of the players whose records you do love, this is a must-read piece!
Frank played with Stiv in what call the Latter Day Dead Boys, a version of the Dead Boys that included Stiv, Jimmy Zero, Johnny Blitz as well as Frank on bass (replacing Jeff Magnum) and George Cabaniss on guitar (taking over where Cheetah Chrome left off).

Stiv, Blitz and Zero - last original Dead Boys in 1979
When Blitz left, David Quinton stepped in and the Disconnected band was born... but prior to that - and what made the latter day Dead Boys and Disconnected projects so solid and well-rounded in terms of the pop influence was frankly... Frank Secich.

Besides being one of Stiv's childhood friends, Frank was a member of the highly regarded local legends Blue Ash. They were one of the leading forces in power pop, but somehow got overshadowed on the national radar by other Ohio power poppers like The Raspberries. You can read all about the history of 70s Ohio power pop in the Torpedo Pop interview with Frank.

So, years after Stiv's untimely passing, after Greg Shaw's untimely passing, the one left holding the torch is Frank. In early 2005, there was a reunion of the Disconnected crew in Youngstown, Ohio. Tracks for a Greg Shaw Tribute record were being finalized. Its a "who's who" of Ohio pop/punk/garage musicians. Around that time, the Deadbeat Poets inadvertently created themselves. Again... full story in the Torpedo Pop interview.

NOW - the Deadbeat Poets record is out. Pop Detective is the label - visit their site to hear samples of the songs, download the lyrics and the CD booklet - and by all means... get the record. Take the Stiv Bators Ghost Tour! Learn the Truth About Flying Saucers!