Favorite Punk Records - Mumps!

Not that anyone would make me choose between them, but if there were a gun to my head, I could not name either of these Mumps singles over the other as my favorite.

The whole Mumps experience is such an essential part of my life - but that aside, these songs contribute so much to the punk rock oeuvre. Mumps brought camp to art rock and punk to art.
While Mumps dazzled Los Angeles on their performance premier, they never lost their appeal, even though they spent several months and made several visits to the Left Coast between 1977 and 1978, making records, touring and trying to get that brass ring...the major label record deal that some punk, indie and new wave bands were beginning to get.
Mumps had "Crocodile Tears" b/w "I Like To Be Clean" out pretty early in the game. Lance had his own Crocodile dance that he would bust into during the break between verses.

One of the best things that punk rock gave to pop culture was its graphic sensibility and one thing that underground music always does is make a product and artefact. These two Mumps records are so dear because all the effort shows up, all the sensibility is there...they're full of personality!
There is nothing more intriguing - if you've never been in one - than a recording studio.

Through the studio glass...

Quiet moments in the kitchen...

Playback is TOO LOUD!!!

In the lounge with Paul Rutner and Kevin Kiely. I highlighted Pleasant with yellow, as she is under the table, not wanting to show up in the photos...but this shot was taken in the mirror and the mirror shows all.

Pleasant and me with Lance doing our backing vocals. And to think we thought we were so fat! Of course, next to Lance-0% body fat-Muscle Boy, any lady with a bosom and bottom would look pudgy. I guess we could have dressed better... but who said punk was pretty? Note my decidedly NOT punk Marc Bolan hair.

Kristian Hoffman has the wildest sense of humor of any one I know. It always cracked me up when he wore this shirt admonishing "Wash That Brain" as it was just a step away from "I Like To Be Clean"

Don't let the thoughtful yogi guru pose fool you! Lance had his introspective ohm moments to be sure, but

were do you think "Muscle Boys" came from???

Yes...Mumps made records full of personality, wit and charm. The records reflected what a good time a Mumps show was. They were a delightful counterbalance to the serious and political punk rock of bands like the Sex Pistols (who were indeed pretty humorous) and the Dils, Avengers and my favorite politicos, The Clash.

Mumps knew how to have a good time, give a good time and to make it all come through on vinyl.

These were indeed PERFECT records!
