Disconnected Chaos on Stage

The Dead Boys live show really set the bar high for punk bands. They were unpredictable, raw and menacing, all with a sense of humor. So, if you're Stiv Bators, coming from that legacy, how can you top it? You get a teenager to be the driving force of this near-train-wreck! That's young David Quinton on the drums, propelling the pandemonium that was unleashed when Dee Dee Ramone jumped on stage. But it that wasn't enough... Stiv had already kept the crowd waiting. Impatient to perform, the band just hit the stage without him.
That fantastic first chiming guitar sound of the Beatles "A Hard Day's Night" opened the show. Luckily, Jimmy Zero was on hand to up the pop factor with Frank Secich. (Let's not forget they had a George Harrison on guitar in this band, too!) Their Fab Four harmonies were interrupted by Stiv when he came to the stage wrapped in a towel and proceeded with his toilette, shaving and then blow-drying his hair, and getting into his skin tight red leather jeans without removing the towel around his waist. At the point in the show when this photo was taken, all hell had broken loose and Frank's making fun of the whole thing while watching from his perch on the drum riser, and using Stiv's hair dryer for full comic effect.
Stiv used his bubblegum to full effect throughout the night.

And this show is where this popular photograph was taken

and this one too

The excitement of any live show featuring Stiv Bators simply could not be topped, no matter what punk rock hot shot guest player came on stage.

Come back for more of the "Disconnected" connection.... coming this week: Jimmy Zero and much more.