Punk Samizdat = Zines and now - Blogs

You may have seen this photo in 1978. It was in Lobotomy, The Brainless Magazine, created by Pleasant and Randy Detroit, and worked on by them plus Kid Congo, Brad Dunning, Anna Statman, and me.

Randy and Pleasant in San Francisco
We created our own opportunities in a time where a determined person actually could do so.

These days, you HAVE TO create your own opportunities, as it once again seems like an "us versus them" thing going on in the media vis a vis bands we like getting ink, and writers, photographers, graphic artists and the like getting a break. So, the samizdat raises its head again. Back in the 70s and before, there were 'zines - photocopied, mimeographed, hand-collated & stapled, literally cut and pasted on bedroom floors around the world. Today, we've got computer aided desktop publishing and more importantly, the web.
Please please look at the link on the right hand side of this page for "Cool blogs & sites" and actually go visit them! There are some new additions to the links that I'd like to draw your attention to:
Target Video doesn't update their blog all that often, but they are the go-to place for original video of all your favorite punk bands in concert. Read all about Target on their blog! Joe Rees, Jackie Sharp and Jill Hoffman were so way ahead of their time.
Turn It Down Interviews is the brainchild of Rich Tupica from the hinterlands of Michigan. He conducts and publishes interviews with many of garage and punk rock's unsung heroes ranging from Norton Records' Billy Miller, and record producer/Ghetto Recorders owner, Jim Diamond.
Oxford in Stereo will hip you to all things culturally cool going on and around Oxford, Mississippi. Created by the fabulous Twinkle Van Winkle whose name you may recognize as the drummer of the Jenny Jeans, or as a writer of rock n roll, arts and cultural stuff for a variety of Mississippi publications.
Then there is the self-described wild "rock spectacle" of Peacedogman, another bunch of punks keeping the spirit alive, unhinged and crazy, just like 1977.
It takes a lot of time, effort and psychic energy to keep this all up. I applaud everyone who works so hard on doing their blogs. There's no payback but the satisfaction of finishing something you started. And when that's all someone works for, I gotta give it up for them! You should too! Click those link and read those blogs. There are a ton of blogs who link to Punk Turns 30 - and who say nice things about us and I thank you a whole helluva a lot. I try to keep up with reciprocal links, so if you want one, and don't see one on my growing list o'links - please just ask!
Please don't be discouraged, any unsung bloggers and creators out there --- here's something that will make you happy. That cool book "Fucked Up and Photocopied," which has collected and celebrates the photocopied art of punk rock flyers and zines is one of the most successful titles in print. Just because people don't tell you to your face doesn't mean they're not reading or seeing what you do. That Punk Turns 30 even exists is a testament to the lasting power of punk.
