The Incredible Dickies, part 3

Yes, these seemingly quiet men are indeed the Dickies. A quiet and unguarded moment before they started talking up a storm on KROQ.
You can see Charlotte Caffey's hair behind Stan Lee, but she's not in any of the other pictures taken at KROQ...she was just there hanging out. Actually, she was probably the one who drove them there.

You've seen this portrait of Leonard before, but this is an alternate take. Seated next to Leonard is Joseph Fleury, one-half of the Dickies management. Joseph, together with John Hewlett managed the Dickies, Sparks and Mumps.
Mumps and the Dickies did a few shows together, and because both bands put on highly entertaining shows with a camp edge, had a common fan-base. Local favorites and power pop kings, The Quick were also part of the equation. A few members of the Dickies roadied for the Quick, and Quick band leader, Steve Hufsteter even played in the Dickies for a while.
If you look closely, you can see that Joseph is reading not the Duke's menu, but an issue of Lobotomy! And you'll also see that Leonard has lit a cigarette, proving what a long way we have come since the 70's, seeing as you can't smoke in a restaurant in Los Angeles anymore.

Joseph is not with us anymore, having passed away around 1991, after losing his battle with AIDS.
There's never any good segue from sad thoughts to anything else, is there?
Well, I am still ending on a happy note:

Pleasant and Kid backstage at the show in San Diego where Blondie opened for the Kinks in Summer 1978. These two are my oldest friends in the world! Two March birthdays too! Happy Birthday Kid!