Out in the Streets

Believe it or not, the two men walking on Sunset Blvd. out of the Whisky A Go Go are Malcom McLaren and Johnny Rotten. That night, Mumps were playing and McLaren and Rotten came in to see them. This was a few days after the Sex Pistols ended their US tour in San Francisco at Winterland.
All of us who were standing out on the sidewalk in front the Whisky were at that show. What I think is fun to note are the billboards in the background --- Engelbert Humperdink was playing somewhere (Vegas?) and the ad for it was the first thing you saw upon leaving a rock n roll joint!

In the hazy winter night, under the street lamps, you can see Belinda Carlisle in her cat eye glasses, sitting outside watching McLaren and Rotten leave the Whisky and head back towards the Tropicana, where Malcolm set up house for several weeks to come. Mumps were staying there too, and on many a night, for a laugh, Pleasant, Bradly Field (of Teenage Jesus & the Jerks. He came out to LA with Mumps) and I would yell at Malcolm's window for him to come out and play. He never did.
