Punk Rock is Alive and Well in Brooklyn


This is Pee Wee's van, parked outside Pass Out Record Shop in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.... the new New York is all about Brooklyn... all about Williamsburg. I stayed at Pass Out when I was visiting NY this past summer... the party never ends! Seriously.... bands rehearse in the basement, the store's open late... GREAT music spinning all day long... live music on Saturday afternoons. Such spirit. The store is a hang out...and a haven. A slice of punk rock in a neighborhood that may soon be gentrified if someone doesn't pony up a few million to buy the cool building across the street to prevent a high-rise condo from going in.
If and when you are in Brooklyn.... go there! 131 Grand Street. Williamsburg.

Here are the friendly folks at Pass Out

Memphis Mike formerly of the hardcore band Man With Gun and all around cool dude

Chris Teenager who despite his young age, knows more about psychedelic music than half my own age peers.
Not pictured here is Pee Wee without whom..... Well, she doesn't like to be photographed... but I caught her in Memphis... stay tuned.