The Punk King -- King Louie

I think he just might be 30....King Louie, a one-man-band, a bad ass New Orleans guy who has rocked the world with his ferocity, tenacity, crazy sense of humor and pure love of rock n roll....this is a guy who grew up during a time when punk rock ALWAYS existed. Its in his blood... just like the gator...
Next week at this time, Memphis will be overloaded with visitors from the world over, coming into town to enjoy what punk rock has become today...King Louie One Man Band will kick it off in his now-traditional in-store at The Goner Records Store. Read the Goner Blog for more details on the line-up and activities.
Louie is doing triple duty this year.... doing his one man band, playing with his new Black Rose Band, as well as with the Royal Pendletons alongside Mike Hurtt and Matt Pendleton

Mike Hurtt

Matt Pendleton
Can there be too much rock ?