Its No Secret...Autumn Brings Great New Music!

King Khan is a bad ass, even dressed up in lady drag. Together with Mark Sultan/BBQ he will have a new record out sometime this fall, on In The Red, a most reliable label based in LA. By reliable I mean... just pick ANY record in their catalog and chances are, you will love it.

The King Khan and BBQ Show are two one-man-bands coming together to make a noise far greater than the sum of their parts. If that sounds nasty... well... just check out their live show, will ya?

Sometime in October, on the other way cool California label, Sympathy for the Record Industry releases my favorite....Jack Oblivian's new one is called The Flipside Kid. I've heard many of the songs, and have the 7" single versions of a few of the songs that are on this record (and collectors, take note: the 7" versions are indeed different - in one case, WAY different, than the CD version)... you can't miss this!

Here's Jack with our pal, Billy Miller of Norton Records, which will soon be releasing new material by the Alarm Clocks. You can visit Norton's website to see what they've got on deck... and you'll see a little version of this:

Shot by yours truly...but seriously, bookmark Norton because they've got some ace releases that you won't want to miss...they will keep your ears filled with the loud sound from now til Easter. And that's a good thing!