It's Only Rock n Roll

You've heard that phrase thousands of times, "It's only rock n roll." Its famously followed by the tag, "but I like it."
And you do - you know you do! Join me and a whole bunch of other photographers and some bands and DJ's in San Francisco on September 9 to celebrate yet another instance of "It's Only Rock N Roll." This event is a ONE NIGHT STAND people! If you're in the area, it will be your ONLY CHANCE to see this.
I owe my inclusion in this fantastic event to one man. Kim Fowley.

Say what you will about this man - he will tell you that he is a visionary, hustler, con man and / or genius. And he is all of the above. Fall and Winter 2005 found me working as director of photography, co-producer and co-director on Kim's second and third indie feature films. He presented a couple nights of live musical entertainment, as only he can, at the Knitting Factory in Los Angeles. While we were filming backstage, I met a young man, Daniel Nolan, who took some photos of our shenanigans and later got in touch to get those behind-the-scenes photos to Kim. One thing lead to another, and Danny finally put two and two together... that I was one and the same Theresa of Punk Turns 30 and old LA punk...and when he got the brilliant idea to put together this rock n roll photo and music extravaganza, he contacted me and invited me to partipicate.
Of course, I didn't have to think about it for a moment! San Francisco has always been one of my favorite rock n roll cities. Home of the original hippie movement, it gave us genre-changing bands in the 60s, like the Jefferson Airplane, Moby Grape, the Count Five (although they were really from San Jose), Big Brother & the Holding Company, featuring Janis Joplin, to some of my favorite punk bands from the 70s, such as The Avengers, Flipper, Mutants and Dead Kennedys. San Francisco was also home to the way-ahead-of-their-time Target Video, whose innovative use of the Andy Warhol Factory work ethic and methodology yielded perhaps the greatest treasure trove of punk rock video memory anywhere that I know of. The names Joe Rees, Jill Hoffman and Jackie Sharp should be household words for my generation of art-damaged punk rockers just as "Warhol" is for the rest of the world.

Yes - this is a group show, and I'm kind of freaking out that my work will be hanging on the same wall as the work of Jim Marshall. I don't know what to show! Luckily, because so many photographers are showing, I only have to choose a few images. I guarantee that this will be an eclectic visual bazaar. Hope you can make it!
Do you think I should stop by and eat at this place on Folsom Street?

Sex Pistols played their last show in San Francisco, the first time around.
Actually, this might be the time to bring out the big guns! I couldn't have been born into better circumstances to have had a friend like Darby Crash, who suggested I come to Pat Smear's garage one day with my camera...

The rest, as they say, is history.
Oh - yeah, the small print and where this is:
"IT'S ONLY ROCK 'N' ROLL" @ Gallery 3175
Saturday, September 9th, 7pm to 12am
Live performances and Guest DJ throughout until midnight $5 Donation at the Door
3175 3175 17th Street,
San Francisco, CA 94110
Exhibition dates: September 9th, 2006
Gallery Hours for this Exhibition: Saturday 7pm-12am
Root Division
I am SO PROUD of you!