T-Shirt Pre-Orders!

Do you like this t-shirt that Joe Pestilence is wearing?
Due to popular demand, Punk Turns 30 is offering you a chance to get one of these shirts that were promotional items for the Punk Turns 30 show at GonerFest2, at the same GonerFest2 low price of $10.
We are now taking pre-orders for our next run of shirts. Orders received by June 1 will be fulfilled by the end of the month. We ship by US Postal Service Priority Mail - if you are an international customer - please write first! info@punkturns30.com
Here at Punk Turns 30, we love our Paypal! Please indicate your size in the "comments" space in the Paypal shopping cart - we make girlie shirts up through XXL. The shirts are black - just like the one modeled by our fave frontman, Joe Pestilence.

Click on the "Add to Cart" button to order!