When Punks Grow Up...

I've known this lad since he was 18 years old. And this weekend, as the world celebrates the passing of 2005 and the birth of 2006, some of us are celebrating the birth of David Steinberg, hot shot punk drummer turned hot shot entertainment lawyer. Happy Birthday little brother.... much love to you. How many of your kids friends dads get such a public felicitation? Just tell the boys that their old dad is way cool.
Try as hard as some of us did to corrupt him (and that would be Stiv, not me,) David turned out to be the rational one of the whole extended Dead Boys/Stiv family. He has helped all of us extended Dead Boys/Stiv family members with legal matters but mostly, it gives us all great pride and joy to see that he emerged unscathed from that experience called the Dead Boys.
The man next to David at the control board is Thom Wilson, who cut his punk rock producing teeth on "Disconnected," a trial by fire if ever there was, and went on to produce bands ranging from the Offspring, DOA, TSOL and even old Iggy.
Here are some memories of David from the vaults.

with the Disconnected band

more of the making of "Disconnected"

with yours truly and the Disconnected band, 25 years later

still pounding the drums, 25 years later

most well known "Disconnected" outtake