New Years Eve Shows Everywhere

King Louie and Loose Diamonds are playing tonight, New Years Eve, at the Hi Tone in Memphis with the Joint Chiefs and Preachers Kids. Its no secret that I am a huge fan of Jack Yarber who's seen here in the center of the photo between Harlan T. Bobo and the inimitable and indomitable King Louie. Jack made my favorite album of 2005 - Don't Throw Your Love Away - with his band, The Tearjerkers. In Loose Diamonds, Jack plays drums, Harlan is on bass, and Louie is on guitar and vocals. Forgot to ask the guys if Chad is on board for this gig. He missed the photo session that yielded this shot (it was raining with residue of Hurricane Rita) because he'd already left Memphis. Anyway, if you're in Memphis or in driving distance, for my money, this is the show of the night. I'm also a big fan of Tyler Keith and Preachers Kids. If you don't already have their single "French Blues (and Spanish Boots)" you really need to get it. I put it on a mix CD for the car, and I have it sandwiched between Badfinger and the Stones. You can order it from Goner Records really efficient shopping cart. And if you are shopping online at Goner, don't forget to get your own copy of 2005's best record - Don't Throw Your Love Away, by Jack O & the Tearjerkers. Even the Memphis Flyer agrees with me.
If you are in New York City, the place to be is Brooklyn's Union Pool for Norton Records New Years Bash with the A Bones featuring the Great Gaylord (who is my second fave dance partner at Phast Phreddie's Subway Soul Club after Lenny Kaye.) Oh, and also on the bill, the incredible Black Lips from Atlanta. They have a fantastic new record out on In the Red called Let it Bloom. Their immature Iggy Pop meets fetish stage antics aside, this young band has grown musically in leaps and bounds and they will get your ass shaking with their brand of trashy rock n roll. There are several great DJ's to make your head spin, too: The Thing With Two Heads, Tim Warren, Dave the Spazz, Andy "Little Killer" Maltz, and Rex from WFMU.
If you're a Hoosier and at home in Bloomington, Indiana, you could see Rudy Ray Moore aka Dolemite. If you have no idea who I'm talking about.. this guy is the King of Blaxploitation movies. Also in the heartland, New Salem Witch Hunters and the Tough and Lovely are rockin Cleveland's Beachland Ballroom.

Of course, this is where I usually find myself at the Beachland... not working in the kitchen, but cutting through the kitchen to see bands in both the Ballroom and the Tavern. That photo IS of the actual Beachland Ballroom kitchen.
New Orleans is taking steps to recover from Katrina and Mr Quintron and Miss Pussycat ring in the New Year with Roy Head at the Circle Bar.
Los Angeles has so much going on but its all over the map, culturally and spatially. You could see Big Bad VooDoo Daddy for some swinging retro good times, or channel the spirit of Paul Kossoff and Free with Buckcherry at the Viper Room (my good friend Jimmy Ashhurst on bass... amazing man, amazing musician), or you could see an unlikely combination of Black Eyed Peas, Flaming Lips and Death Cab for Cutie (all in one show? weird.) Marc Almond and Adult are on the same bill - another one so bizarre...retro 80s Brit club sharing a stage with Detroit art punk terrorism.
One of my favorite New Year's Eves ever was 1978 into 1979, which I spent in San Francisco, seeing Blondie.

They opened for someone I can't even remember, although I keep thinking it could be Greg Kihn. Anyway, Clem, Jimmy, my sister and I went to a party at the Jefferson Airplane house. I was warned by Blondie roadie Michael Sticca not to drink any punch for fear of getting dosed by LSD. So I drank Coca Cola from a can. How festive! My sister passed some time drunk in a big easy chair whilst John Belushi, practiced Saturday Night Live schtick for her. He was fresh from a gig where the Blues Brothers opened for the Grateful Dead who were probably still tuning up or jamming on "Johnny B. Goode" when we were at the party.
Because we were 18 and 21 respectively, my sister and I figured we could go anywhere and do whatever we wanted. We didn't tell our parents we were going to San Francisco. On New Years Day 1979, there was a little earthquake in Los Angeles. Obviously, we didn't feel it since we were waiting for a plane in San Francisco. When our mom asked us if we felt the earthquake and we said "no," we were so busted! It was the second time I'd delayed going home to be with the family in order to attend a rock n roll show. The first time was Thanksgiving 1976, when I went to see the Last Waltz. It was priceless. Turkeys come and go. How often does an all star rock n roll thing happen? How often can you ring in the New Year with Clem Burke and Jimmy Destri? while watching John Belushi do stand up for drunks?
So, I ran into Clem last night in the overwhelming Amoeba Records store. I hope he is enjoying that New York Dolls film he picked up. Clem - here's the photo I'm making for you as your belated birthday present:

The New York Dolls are playing a show in NYC tonight also. Its a $300 ticket and you can watch it on ESPN... I won't be there... my heart's in Memphis with Preachers Kids and Loose Diamonds even though I love you David, Syl and Sami
Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for making Punk Turns 30 a big success for me. I look forward to exhibiting these pix and more in your city in 2006.