Updated the Online Store!

This photo of Penelope Houston of the Avengers with Rodney Bingenheimer is already a favorite on my page at Flickr.
Now, you can buy a copy or a good quality digital download of it in my Online Store. Prices are the same as if you bought a print from me at an exhibit...plus, you can choose from two different color photos of Stiv Bators, and I don't carry color prints on the road. That's your internet bonus.
In addition to Vintage Punk Pictures, I've added a small album of Garage Band Pictures! If you have the time and a fast connection, why don't you visit the store and choose the "Watch dotPhoto show" option. There's a cool soundtrack!
If you like the song and want to know what it is, its "All Ov Them," a track on the Witches latest album, "Thriller," which you can listen to if you click on my DOWNLOADS link over there on the right side of this page. Or you can click HERE and be taken directly to the page where the MP3's are. If you like the music, why don't you make a donation to the Witches... they have a "Make a Donation" button you can click on and do it through Paypal.
Just a word now about the continuing DIY thing. Except for the bands that had HUGE success, like Blondie, most of the bands pictured here have day jobs, and completely self-finance their projects...so if you can spare a dime, do these small things: make donations when you listen to their music on their websites (if that is an option), if you want to buy their record - buy it FROM THE BAND at the gig...it takes about six months for a normal retail purchase to become a royalty payment to them.
thanks...have a good weekend.