Another Obit - Kike Turmix

My friend and neighbor, Eric Davidson, whose name you may recognize as the singer of Columbus, Ohio punk band, New Bomb Turks posted this sad news:
Very sad news today. I just heard from Barbara (Get Hip) that Kike Turmix has died. She said:
"I just went to Kike's funeral this morning. He died Sunday after being
diagnosed with massive liver cancer only 9 days ago while undergoing
surgery for a hernia. I'm crushed."
For those who might not know, Kike was the singer and mastermind behind the great Spanish punk band, the Pleasure Fuckers; ran the Safety Pin label; and he was also THE garage/punk/rock'n'roll booking agent of Spain for around 20 years. He booked New Bomb Turks a number of times, and we always had a totally hilarious time with him. He always kept up with the latest bands, and helped turn new bands onto cool old shit. After matching him in a race through 6 shots of espresso once, he declared that "You are a Man, man!" It was one of the prouder moments of my life.
He always showed every band a great time, and he will not be forgotten. He's probably already booking a Johnny Thunders gig at the great dive bar in the sky.....
-- Eric Davidson/New Bomb Turks
R.I.P. Kike Turmix
the photo of Kike, above, I found on the web - no photo credit, sorry to say. Here's the link to the original page.