DJ Relief

New York City's premier uptown punk rock bar, The Ding Dong Lounge has graciously lent their space for one in a long series of benefits to help our friends who were displaced by Hurrican Katrina last week.
On Monday, September 5 - Labor Day - from 4pm til we finally disperse - DJ's will be throwing down their best sets, and taking requests at $1 a play while our bake sale, raffle, record swap meet and rock n roll yard sale goes on in the background. 100% of the proceeds will be going to musicians who lost everything.
Some of the people/bands who we're helping include:
Royal Pendeltons
Haunted Hearts
Darkest Hours
Die Rotzz
Kajun SS
King Louie One Man Band
Other Related rock n roll organizations:
Rocks Off Records
Therapeutic Records me eat a hot dog
Some of the cool items you can buy a raffle ticket for include a set of 6 vintage paperbacks by Ian Fleming from the James Bond series. Vintage branding irons, a cool mini amp, great vintage clothing belonging to a former model.... how can you pass this up? I am going to put together a mini album of Dirtbombs 4x6 proofs...Mick Collins's Gories bandmate, Peg O'Neill had to flee her New Orleans home during the hurricane and is taking refuge in Tennessee. She's one of the people we're intending to help.
Show your support by showing up! Even snacking on junk food will make a difference!
we will be sending the money to the Musicians Relief Fund, and if you can't party with us, you can still contribute here:
Trinity Parish Church Episcopal Discretionary Fund
200 N Elm St
Searcy, AR 72143-5271
put Katrina Fund in subject line of check
paypal to:

win this photo and its companions in the raffle!