The Plimsouls - Peter Case's blog

I get enough email asking about any upcoming dates for the sporadic Plimsouls reunion. More than anyone, I'd love another chance to see this great live band play together again. Best response I've ever been able to give is: "All I know is what Peter Case tells me."
Actually, you really need to check out Peter Case's blog because you can find out all kinds of things and read his words at the same time.

I go way back with Peter and the 'Souls. I even think I got my job at Island Records because of my friendship with Peter, since Danny Holloway, the guy who hired me at Island was involved in producing and helping direct the band's career very early on. I had great fun taking pictures of the Plimsouls and traveling to see them, usually in San Francisco. Its great to see your hometown bands in another city, just to watch them turn it out for a bunch of people you don't know and see that audience go just as wild as the hometown crowd.

Versions of this beer picture have made the rounds - seen on trees as gig posters, and published in Creem and Rock Scene as well. This was a day in Culver City before a gig at Jefferson Bowl, one of your bowling alley/rock n roll gigs. The Jefferson Bowl had a great $2 fried noodle dish that I always ordered. Yeah - Chinese food was the mainstay on their menu. Cheap and cheerful Chinese food has been the mainstay of many a starving artist's diet anyway. What a grand tradition.

I remember a time going up to San Francisco to see the Plimsouls play on a Saturday night and thinking I'd leave right after the show to drive back to LA. The next day, I was photographing Greg Shaw's wedding to Nancy in Malibu, in the chapel at Pepperdine University. I stayed up all night partying with the 'Souls and when it was around 4 AM, I really really had to go. Eddie Munoz somehow got a full six-pack of Coca-Cola which he gave to me so I'd be caffeinated for the long drive home. I think its not the caffeine that keeps you awake, but that you need to stop quite often to find a bathroom. As the sun was rising, a crop duster was flying above me. I had visions of the Hitchcock masterpiece, "North By Northwest" in my head as the plane flew perilously low above my little Honda. I did make it to LA on time to go home, shower, change, grab cameras and then haul out to Malibu for the afternoon wedding. Everyone was wearing purple. Greg was so way ahead of Prince!
Me gusta tu blog mucho!!!
I like your blog a lot!!!
Keep your blog on line!!!
Saludos ;euskadipunk)))