The Dickies on Tour!

The Dickies are at it again! They are on the road and this week, they are on the East Coast. The dates below all feature as opening band, New Jersey’s own version of The Clash, THE RATCHETS. I know The Ratchets probably hate that comparison, however…they do have the power, fury, energy and pop of the Strummer/Jones combination. They recently opened a show I helped promote - The Saints at the Ding Dong Lounge and they held their own.
Word from people who’ve seen the recent Dickies dates is that they are just as crazy as ever, and playing your favorite Dickies toons – from “You Drive Me Ape You Big Gorilla” to “Gigantor.”
Thursday July 14th - THE KHYBER
56 S. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19019
Friday July 15th - THE CONTINENTAL
25 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10003
Saturday July 16th - STERLING THEATRE
Allentown, PA
Sunday July 17th - OTTOBAR
2549 North Howard St., Baltimore, MD 2121