Buy Records

Buy records like its going out of style. Buy them from indie record stores - the mom & pop shops, the stores run by guys like John Cusak's character in "High Fidelity," the stores run by guys like Dave Buick and Dion Fischer of Young Soul Rebels in Detroit. To make life easier for you, I've included a new section over on the right. LINKS to BUY RECORDS. Some of these stores do business online, and the ones that don't have online shopping will do mail order. Most regions of the US are represented. Alas, the record store where I held my very first job is not listed here because they're not online! Dorks. It's Morning Glory Music in Santa Barbara, California. I worked in the Isla Vista branch. Historical trivia: Isla Vista is where the University of California at Santa Barbara is. It's where the very first Kinko's ever was! It's the town where the first Bank of America was held hostage by student protesting something in the 60s - we pre-dated Berkeley. Other than that, its a surfer/stoner school. And yet, its indie record store is not online.
Anyway, here's a list, just in case you don't want to move over to the other side of your computer screen:
Here are a couple of record collectors who know their stuff!

Pelle Almqvist of The Hives, and Greg Cartwright of The Reigning Sound.
I am going into the darkroom tomorrow afternoon to print up a bunch of photos and I'll be putting them online as early as Monday night.
Spend your weekend buying records, OK? Pick up "Our Love Will Change the World" by Detroit's Outrageous Cherry while you're at it. It's my turntable favorite of the moment.